Friday 11 May 2012



Jim and jest run a successful automobile business, which they have built up over dual decades and have stretched to three stores and many of their friends alimony saying, You should Franchise. They rest assured about this for about five years read the few books, like Franchising for Dummies, The E-Myth, The Franchising Bible again many others on the shelves of the new big book store in hamlet with its coffee shop inside. They sometime decide that it makes sense especially seeing they have friends also loyal employees who wish to emblematize associated with them also even confess the first franchises. So they yes out to franchise. They visit an attorney as that says in undivided the books to do. Most books about franchising are, at least in part if not whole, written by S2D2s (lawyers: S2P2s; Self-Serving Parasites of world) anyway, so they take that advice and visit an attorney. The S2D2 explains the MUD and helps by charging them a good chunk of change; $35,000 to prepare a boilerplate documentation which is so variegated they could not do it on their own without years of study. They give the S2D2 (scoundrel) the central and they gawk at the document besides start seeking questions. They do not ask him about its price gouging laws that their state has after all its flooding from the ruins of Hurricane Ivan, nonetheless they taction severally violated in the outrageous costs to establish the documents. later all crack is some new shop equipment they need to test cars to stay in compliance secrete the latest smog certificates also they are not cheap either. So they ask some typical questions instead of why they had to pay so much.

But Mr. S2D2, we want to emblematize fair besides present this and that assistance to its new franchisees, bob and Margaret are long time customers of our shop and mates. Joe has been action tuck away our company seven years and they want to buy its champion franchises. The S2D2 explains that the Federal Trade Commissions Franchise agency is doing this for the consumer's protection. Jim again Sally swallow this but what is all this about termination, litigation, arbitration or mediation? why does it say i may give you this and that, of march we would succour bob and Margaret and Joe they are dear friends of ours and it is the name on its building, of march we are going to go out of our way to help them.

The S2D2 says, yes, I affirm that but this is for your protection too. Sally says, great but, it sounds so vindictive and mean, why would anyone resolve it? The S2D2 says there is strikingly case law and history as to why these stuff are ropes these documents and they are to protect you, that what you are profitable me for. Jim thinks to himself, we are paying you to pick a fight with our new franchisees and long time dear friends. Attorneys are A-holes. They are our worst customers at the shop and I cede never forget that time a one-week temporary worker hurt his hand because he was not paying attention, then sued us. Even though it was on his coming to work or so he said, we had to fight its case, we won but it costs us $17,000, gosh, I hate attorneys. Jim just gives a slight aggravated gawk again gazes towards the window thanks to looking the river again much of downtown. How can anyone describe what this guy does work?

So Sally looks during the shade page and the help page and the third and it says: This sounds sickie and ugly almost vindictive. The S2D2 says, this is to electroplate you, franchising is very litigious. Sally: But these are our friends. debutante looks at Jim and gives him a look, what are we getting ourselves into? The attorney also has an compelling look, a grin. Knowing which soon he will have infinitely game defending them in lawsuits, he thinks to himself; gotta love these entrepreneurial suckers, so na

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